235: Fearless Leader Part 3: Create More Pressure

235: Fearless Leader Part 3: Create More Pressure

Leaders don’t run from pressure, they create more of it. If you have the habit of complaining about “difficulties” you may not be cut out for this shit. It’s not too late though, in this episode I show you how.

Time Stamps:

(1:22) Welcome back to the Sports Motivation Podcast!
(2:08) Please go listen to Parts 1 and 2 if you haven’t
(2:32) Shoutout to Brianna
(5:52) Pressure
(9:23) Practical lesson from history on Pain
(9:37) Robert Greene, “33 Strategies of War” pg. 47
(14:40) #1- Decide what you want from life and who you want to be
(15:19) #2- Decide how you need to behave in order to become who you want to become
(15:40) #3- Write out a schedule
(17:02) Feel the pain and then re-up the next day
(17:45) Notice the upgrades and improvements
(19:09) Refuse to let others let you feel like it’s okay to be average
(20:23) Announce your goals publicly
(20:45) My Instagram death ground (follow me @niyisobo)
(21:49) Create extreme mentors and listen to them/watch their videos/hang their pictures on your wall
(23:18) Put more pressure on yourself